
Registration Maintenance Program image
Why KAVON PictureKAVON's Trusted Advisors have a wealth of experience and understanding of Quality Management Systems. They have worked closely with many clients and registrars in numerous industries and understand what is required to maintain a system that adds value to the organization.

Where We Stand
Our View PictureOnce a company becomes registered or approved to any government, industry, or domestic/international (ISO) Quality Management System standards, there is reason to celebrate and breathe a temporary sigh of relief.

When the pressures to comply and celebrations are over, there is usually a let-down in activities as the quality system implementation team members go back to their regular jobs, until the quality or management representative reminds top management that this is not the end of the road, but rather the beginning of a process that will go on forever. Successfully achieving registration is just the beginning. Companies have to continually earn the right to keep it. If the QMS is not constantly monitored and continually improving, a general deterioration of required documentation and processes will eventually compromise the QMS integrity and compliance and de-certification will result.
