As we learned in a previous Lean Corner issue, the creation of the "Current State Map" and then the "Future State Map" is where to start. As the team plans to create the future state, we shall take a little time and discuss the necessary tools:
- Value stream mapping
- 5S
- Visual factory
- Kaizen and Kaikaku
- Quick change-over (SMED)
- Monuments & remedies
- Lean performance measurements
- Six Sigma
We will start with 5S. These are five Japanese words that have several possible English translations. The following is the most popular list:
# |
Japanese |
English |
1 |
Seri - organization |
Sort |
2 |
Seitorn - neatness |
Straighten |
3 |
Seiso - cleaning |
Shine |
4 |
Seiketsu - standardization |
Standardize |
5 |
Shitsuke - discipline |
Sustain |
Think of 5S as work place organization. Once the IAA has been organized for the future state, then it is time for 5S. If machines and services are being moved and cells created, do that first. When everything is in place, it is time for 5S. If nothing is being moved, then 5S can be conducted immediately.
The very best way to conduct 5S is with a Kaizen event. Depending on the size of the area, a three to five day event is recommended. The Kaizen event marshals a team to prosecute the actions without interruption. Four to six member teams work well. Make sure the team is cross-functional, but include IAA personnel.
Begin by touching everything in the subject area and assigning it as staying or going. Use colored tags to identify items for removal. Some things will be discarded, others relocated, and others placed in a holding area waiting for disposition. Establish a color code for the tags and what assignment they make. This is the "Sort" phase. Straighten applies to all that is left, those items necessary to the IAA. Create a place for everything and everything in its place. This is the time to introduce shadow boards and visual aids. Now it is time for "Shine". Clean and paint, as necessary. Cleaning is a good time for inspection. Look for ways to eliminate dirt, not just remove it.
Four and Five really just assure success with One, Two, and Three. Sustaining the gains is the most difficult part of 5S. Set in place procedures and practices to assure not only the continuation of the work, but continuous improvement.
The most important S is not included in 5S, but should be. That is "Safety". Conduct JSA (Job Safety Analysis) activities during each 5S event. Make safety improvements part of every 5S event.